Norm & Laura Gagnon

” Equipping believers in deliverance ministry to live in freedom and victory”

Laura & Norm

Norm and Laura are revivalist ministers that love to encourage others through kingdom teaching. They minister in prophetic worship ministry, teaching and deliverance. The Gagnon’s share powerful teaching and insights that expose the darkness, reveal the heart of God, and equip the believer to live a victorious life in Christ. Their desire is for every believer to experience freedom, healing and personal revival, and to see cities transformed by the power and presence of God. Laura has written 10 books on inner healing and deliverance and co-authored her husband’s book, Room to Grow. The Gagnon’s live in Lake Elsinore, CA, Contact Norm and Laura at

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Introduction on Deliverance
By Laura Gagnon


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Heart2Heart Podcast

Skip to the 41 Second Mark as we had malfunction with mics at the very beginning